Protecting agricultural irrigation ponds from algae

Farmers are faced with the problems of having ample water to irrigate their crops and fighting algae that is increasingly contaminating the water and clogging pipes.

Effectively and efficiently eliminating algae from irrigation ponds

It’s no exaggeration to say water is the lifeblood of agriculture. For today’s farmers, the challenge is not just having adequate water for their crops. Increasingly, they have to battle with the algae that is forming in their holding ponds used for irrigation. 

With warming temperatures from climate change and excessive nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus common in agricultural operations, the spread of algae presents a huge problem. Algae blooms can release cyanotoxins in the water supply and can contaminate crops and present health risks for consumers. Consumers and retailers have high expectations on food quality and keeping contaminants out of the food chain.

Addressing a Growing Problem Within a Static Budget
Taking responsibility for irrigation pond algae treatment doesn’t mean that the farmer can charge higher prices to cover their costs, especially when they are competing in markets where not all suppliers face similar problems with algae.

Add Algae Control to the Digitized Agricultural Operation
Today’s farms are highly digitized and analyzed, with data is being captured and reported on crop production and productivity down to the acre. Existing algae control solutions like chemicals and aerators don’t report on their operation or efficacy.

Protect Water Irrigation Infrastructure
The problem goes beyond removing harmful algae and associated toxins from the irrigation pond itself. Algae can also clog and damage infrastructure such as pipes and filters that cycle water.

Traditional solutions to eliminating algae fall short

Typically, farmers rely on filtration, the application of algaecides, and the placement of an aeration device on their irrigation ponds. While chemicals can be effective and fast in killing algae, they can have harmful effects on the environment and require frequent applications. The chemicals also need to be handled and stored safely. While aeration devices help to reduce the food supply for algae, they can be expensive, and while helpful in contributing to water health, they don’t directly kill algae. Farmers need a more reliable and extremely cost-effective means to address algae, one that makes his customers confident that toxins are removed from the food supply.

You can learn more about the impact of algae by reading our Primer on Algae and Biofilm.

Ultrasound eliminates algae in agricultural irrigation ponds

WaterIQ Technologies™ ultrasound technology is a reliable algae control solution that requires very little manual intervention, that is very safe to use, and is proven to be effective in killing algae. Its built-in monitoring uses sensors to test water health and report intelligently and proactively to personnel who can remotely monitor changes and respond. Our Cloud-based software can display multiple irrigation ponds where systems are installed through one screen.

Learn why ultrasound is an ideal solution for algae in agricultural irrigation ponds.

  • Quick Ultrasound Overview – Learn how ultrasound technology works and the benefits to treating algae and biofilm without chemicals.
  • Algae and Biofilm Challenges – Take a more detailed dive into the problems that algae and biofilm pose in your water, so you can make more informed decisions about how to control them using ultrasound technology from WaterIQ Technologies.

WaterIQ Technologies is ready to help you with algae treatment challenges

Algae won’t go away by themselves. Let WaterIQ Technologies help you find the best solution to eliminate algae from your farm’s irrigation pond. Take a look at our case studies and other information in our Resources section, and feel free to contact us at any time for answers to your questions.