Ultrasonic technology holds the “keys” for algae elimination at one golf course in a historic Florida town.

Visitors flock to the historic island town of Key West, Florida, to catch some rays, walk in author Ernest Hemingway’s steps – and to channel their inner Jack Nicklaus at the city’s crown jewel, the Key West Golf Club.
Encompassing more than 200 acres of wildlife and nature at the entrance to the island town, the Key West Golf Club beckons to players of all skills and abilities, and its Rees Jones-designed 6,500-yard Par 70 track has become a must-do when visiting the Southernmost City in the U.S.

When legendary golf architect Jones sculpted these acres of mangroves and swampland into this glistening jewel, it’s likely that he didn’t count on floes of algae growth to choke some of the water features, including, most notably, the irrigation ponds responsible for keeping the course green and well-manicured.
Despite a hefty monthly maintenance contract to keep the ponds free-flowing, “Our irrigation pond was constantly covered in algae,” said Eric Harchuska, Superintendent of the Key West Golf Club. “I would also treat the ponds the weeks the company was not there.”
A low-maintenance, easy to manage solution
Harchuska implemented an ultrasonic raft to aggressively treat the out-of-control growth. The solution was trialed in two of the irrigation ponds – to great success. The ultrasonic float eradicated the microcystis and kirchneriella algae, and continued, like a sentry, to zap further growth as needed.
“Though we still use copper sulfate regularly in other ponds,” said Harchuska, “the two ponds we have ultrasound in require little to no [chemicals] at all.”

Let us help you control your algae or biofilm problem
We are committed to making sure the next generation of products from WaterIQ Technologies remain the industry’s most advanced ultrasound solutions to control the algae or biofilm challenges in your water.
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